Your search for "nabila obeid" revealed the following:
Nabila Obeid deserved the title of "Egypt's first star"
Because of the audience's love for her and her distinguished cinematic works, (Belbula) was given the title of Egypt's first star. She did not impose or choose this title for herself, but rather the audience gave her this title out of love for her and appreciation for her beautiful cinematic...
Nabila Obeid returned to study after playing (Rabia Al-Adawiya)
In an interview with the star Nabila Obeid with the late editor-in-chief of Al-Mawed magazine, Badih Serbey, published in episodes, she said that her marriage to the late director Atef Salem took place while she was filming her role in the movie (Rabia Al-Adawiya), but he wanted her to retire...
The movie "I Fell into a Sea of Honey" starring and produced by Nabila Obeid
The movie "I Fell into a Sea of Honey" starred and was produced by Nabila Obeid. When she wanted to buy the story from its author, the writer Ihsan Abdel Quddous, he told her: "I have written 27 stories so far that have been turned into movies. When I saw...