From Hollywood / Agreement between the Writers Syndicate and the studios management to end the strike
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Agreement between the Writers Syndicate and the studios management to end the strike

A wave of unrest is prevailing in the United States of America, coinciding with an economic recession and inflation in prices, in addition to the thefts witnessed by shops that America has never known before, especially after a law in California reduced the penalties for thefts worth less than nine hundred and fifty dollars.

For the strikes, after long negotiations, the writers and the studios have reached a solution that will end the strike, after all the writers agree to the proposed solutions, terms and new contracts, by voting on the draft agreement. The writers are likely to agree to the proposed solutions, but until the vote, the strike will remain in place. As for the actors’ strike, the agreement reached between the writers and the studios will affect the actors’ strike. However, the terms proposed by the actors are different from those of the writers, as they include increased working hours and the risks of artificial intelligence on their work.

As for the third strike witnessed by the United States of America, which is the strike of workers in automobile factories, President Joe Biden had made a statement in support of the workers, which sparked criticism because his position made it difficult to reconcile the two teams to end the strike.

George Doss