Jennifer Lopez
- I'm in my forties and I can fall in love.
- After acting and singing, he turned to directing and producing.
- My children are my priority in life.
- I have published a book about my life and Al-Mawed readers should buy it.
First, I told her that she is frank, revealing what she sees as she sees it. Is this true? She replied that she wants to present life on television or in cinema as it is, without covering up or hiding what is true in life in terms of sexual life, marriage, love, or family problems, which is what the audience really wants to see and hear without hiding the facts, even in cases of crimes and wars.
I asked her: How do you find the time to sing, dance, direct, produce and write? She said that she loves to do what she loves and she wishes she had more than 24 hours a day to do what she wants to do, but she goes to the work that suits her mood and desire, so she used to sing, dance and act. Then she continued and said: “Now I am heading towards directing and producing and I reveal to the audience all my thoughts and experiences in life and what I see in life around me, around you and around all of us. This is of course in addition to my most important obligations, which is to be a mother to my two children who are the greatest priority for me so that I can direct them to confront the problems of the world as much as I can.”
Jennifer Lopez, who recently released her book “True Love,” in which she narrates eras of her life, was asked how she found the time for all this. She said that she had been writing about her life since she was young and now she has released this book about her experiences in life. She added: “As you know, I divorced my last husband and now I am facing life with my son and daughter. This is a bold experience that requires a lot of effort. All of this appeared in the book. Your readers should buy this book.”
I asked Jennifer about the car accident she was in and she said:
Yes, I was hit from behind by another car whose driver was drunk, but my children and I were not harmed. However, this will not and has not affected my work. I will continue singing and dancing, and I returned to work immediately.
The conversation touched on her latest songs and her love life. She said that she is in her forties, but that does not mean that she cannot fall in love, as her songs show that. As for her latest song, in which she talks about girls with big breasts, she said that this shows her feelings and moves the audience’s feelings.
I asked her if she wanted to get married. She said she didn't know who she would meet in a few minutes or who would be on her way tomorrow. She was a woman, a girl, and a lady in every sense of the word. She acted according to her whims and feelings and according to what her heart led her to do. Now she was not looking for anything but to live with her two children and of course her work.
I asked her, “Do you believe in love?” She said emphatically, “Yes, I believe in love.” I asked her what would happen to her children in that situation. She said that this was what she had to face and that she had to act so that her children (a boy and a girl) would be part of her married life and that this was the basis of true love.