International star Ben Affleck tells Al-Mawed: In the United States of America, we have the greatest duty to protect the environment
·I know how to keep quiet and take the director's instructions.
I don't see the need to carry a weapon of war, but I carry a pistol because the American Constitution allows it.
I wish my parents had forced me to learn to play music.
The team is the reason for the success of any movie.
The international star "Ben Affleck" arrived at the appointed place for our meeting with a serious and strict face. He was not in the mood for fun or laughter, but for work and continuing the serious conversation...
So I started asking him about acting and directing, so I asked him if he was more inclined to be a director or an actor - he said that the responsibility of the director is huge and he is responsible for a large number of actors, photographers, where the camera is placed, and many important things for the film, unlike the actor who is only responsible for his role in the story and to achieve what the director sees and imagines, even if the actor has a different opinion than the director, and he continued saying "Yes, I know how to be completely silent and implement the director's requests as much as possible even if I think it is preferable for the situation to be contrary to the director's instructions, as for acting, I like to work with excellent directors, this is very important to me as I have to respond to them and implement their requests." I asked him if he likes to be the actor as well as the director in the film, he said that this is very stressful and tiring work, especially keeping the film finished within the budget set for it.
I told him that most of his films were successful, so what is the main factor in that? He said that the success of any film does not depend only on the main actor in the film, but on a group of people who all have to be together and cooperate for the success of the film, from the story writer, and of course the director, the actors, the photography, and many other factors, and not one person, no matter what his position in the story.
Ben Affleck is known for defending the environment and calling for clean air. He said on this subject: “We in America consume 25%, twenty-five percent of the world’s resources, and our population is 6, six, 7%, or seven percent of the world’s population. We have to make a greater effort to protect the environment. We are honored that the standard of living in America is higher than many other countries. Therefore, we have to impose on ourselves the greater duty to save this earth on which we all live.”
The conversation touched on music, and he said that music is a part of his life that he listens to whenever he has the opportunity, especially when he is writing a story for the cinema. Music is the inspiration that drives him to think well and even puts him in the mood that allows him to write.
I asked him about his life as a father and how he deals with his children and whether his upbringing had an impact on his upbringing of his children. He said that his parents divorced when he was eleven years old (11 years old), so he does not have a great relationship with his father. As for his mother, she worked a lot to support the family and had to work until late in the evening. He would have loved to have a father and mother who would force him, for example, to learn the piano or guitar. He wishes that had happened in the past, as he needs it now. I told him that in many of his films there are fights, beatings and other dangerous situations, so how does he deal with these situations? He said that the main credit for that goes back to the Stunt Man They are athletes who specialize in these situations and know how to fall and hit without getting hurt, but they do not hesitate to act out difficult scenes if they feel that they will not harm and will not hurt him, on the one hand, and on the other hand, directors will not agree to him acting out dangerous scenes not only for him, but for any main actor in the film, for fear that he will be injured or hurt and that will cause the filming of the film to be delayed for a period that may reach weeks, so they rely on using the Stunt Man For these situations.
I asked him about his artistic relationship now with his friend Matt Damon, and he said: “We have been friends since childhood until now, and we will act in a new movie together soon. We are even friends with our families now, and our children play together whenever the opportunity arises.”
I told him that there is a lot of talk now about people who are allowed to carry weapons such as pistols and rifles, so what is his opinion on that and does he have a weapon? He said: Carrying weapons is permitted in the American constitution, but personally he does not see the need to allow carrying weapons such as machine guns or any war weapons, but carrying pistols in his opinion is legally permitted and he has a weapon.
I told him that he now had a moustache and a beard and why, so he said that he was currently acting in a TV movie that required him to have a moustache and a beard and that when filming was over he would remove them.
I asked him if he was thinking of running for any political position, and he said that elections require seeking donations to finance his elections, and this is an exhausting task that does not suit his nature and requires a lot of time, so he is not thinking of running for any political position, at least not now, but it is possible in the future.
Hollywood - George Doss