From The Heart / Glory befits Egypt
Stars : May Serbey Chehab
المجد يليق بمصر

Glory befits Egypt

With the opening of the New Suez Canal, hope for a better tomorrow emerged, not only in Egypt but in every Arab region that experienced oppression, fear, anxiety and war. The New Suez Canal spread joy and hope that the night must eventually pass and dissipate before the will of life...

In one year, Egyptian hands achieved a huge project that proved that the Egyptian people are creative people and proved to the world that crises and difficulties are only an incentive for them to progress towards the better. The opening ceremony of the New Suez Canal was beautiful in its meanings, great in its achievements, and wonderful in the amount of hopes it planted in people's hearts. With President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi signing the agreement to operate the canal in front of world leaders and the joy of the Egyptian people and Arab and international media and with the passage of the first ship, the Egyptian people and all lovers of Egypt crossed into an era full of self-confidence, that big dreams in these difficult days can be translated into reality, and that every dream we lost and any opportunity to achieve, we can regain the hope of achieving it.

When President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi took the decision to start the project, some may have doubted that in these difficult days it would be difficult to achieve a project of this magnitude, but if the people want victory, reality must respond.

Congratulations to beloved Egypt on its new channel, and congratulations to everyone who worked, contributed and participated in the success of this project. This is not strange for Egypt, as glory befits it and its creative and innovative people.