He passed away more than twenty years ago, but Muhammad Badi' Sarbiyeh is still in memory.
When he died, I thought that time would make people forget what he had given to Arab journalism, culture, and art. In journalism, he established a school of journalistic work based on honesty, and its title was to educate and entertain the reader, far from slander, composition, and inventing what does not exist. His articles in “Star Street” were a method of journalistic and dialogue writing. Each one of them was like a journalistic scoop, a high-quality scoop, pure in purpose, seeping into the reader’s heart, settling in it, and satisfying his mind and curiosity in an easy, elegant, enjoyable style that is difficult to imitate.
More than twenty years after his passing, Badih Serbey is still in the hearts of his friends, fans and readers, with whom we communicate via social media and the e-mail of “Al-Mawed” magazine. A few days before the anniversary of his passing, a conference was held in Beirut under the auspices of the “League of Arab Women Investors”, the “Arab Cultural Forum” and the “Charitable Society for Helping the Elderly” under the title “Culture is the Gateway to Sustainable Development and Comprehensive Peace”. In the conference, which was organized by Mrs. Asia Qassim, Chairwoman of the Higher Committee for Social Responsibility of the Arab Women Investors Union, she was able to gather delegations from fourteen Arab countries. The Egyptian delegation included many economic, legal and social figures, and there was the star Elham Shaheen, the star Lebleba and the distinguished media figure Boussy Shalaby.
At the ceremony, honorary shields were distributed to the attendees. As soon as the star, Lebleba, received her shield, she recalled her memories in Lebanon when she came to sing with the brown nightingale in “Bisin Aley” and then said: I cannot forget Mohamed Badih Sarbih, who had a great influence on many stages of my life, so I must remember him and revive his spirit. The same was done by my friend, Boussy Shalaby, who remembers Mohamed Badih Sarbih every time she is honored in Lebanon. When she received her shield, Boussy said: I will never forget Badih Serbey. Badih Serbey’s family home was the first home I entered in Beirut. He encouraged me to embark on my media career and always considered me one of his daughters. As for my friend Ilham Shaheen, she said that Badih Serbey is the model of the authentic and clean Arab journalist and she will never forget him. She even says with every success she encounters or honor she receives: “I wish Badih was alive.” She says: “When he was alive, I was at the beginning of my career, and I wish he was here with us now to witness my success. He believed in my talent and was my best friend and advisor.”
On the anniversary of his passing, loved ones still remember and recall Badih Serbey. Loyalty still blooms in their hearts and remains a witness to the legacy of his love in the hearts of stars, friends and readers.
May Serbie Shahab