Laila Al Solh planted in hearts an irrepressible love
A few weeks ago, Minister Leila Solh Hamadeh visited Paris and met with the Director-General of UNESCO, Ms. Irina Bokova, where the conclusion of a cooperation agreement between the organization and the Alwaleed Bin Talal Humanitarian Foundation was announced.
Mrs. Irina presented Minister Leila Solh with the organization’s shield in honor of her work. This honor is not the first and will not be the last for an exceptional lady who is a bouquet of virtues. Her strongest passion is to draw a smile on the face of every sick or poor child. She is a rare fabric in the concept of modesty. She chose to help without political, regional or sectarian calculations as her slogan. She was a title for unity and distance from sectarianism. She seemed to be singing far from our divisions on a planet full of humanity and transforming dreams into a reality that every sick or needy person enjoys.
Leila Al Solh Hamadeh is a woman who lived through suffering. She was by the side of her late husband, Minister Majed Hamadeh, who suffered from a terminal illness in the last eight years of his life. She was a blessing to him as she stood to fight the disease with her husband and relieved his pain and suffering, turning the pain into an incentive to give hope.
Leila Al Solh grew up in a house that wove the history of Lebanon. Her father was the martyr leader Riad Al Solh, who was a hero for Lebanon’s independence and wanted it to be free and independent. She inherited many of his qualities. Her ultimate weapon is the courage that she finds in all her speeches in which she talks about the homeland and its pains. She says things by their names and does not fear the anger of an opponent or the reproach of a friend. She is a friend, even a protector, of freedom, right, and independence.
Her words are always selected and refined with the ink of honesty and an enlightened mind. Minister Leila Solh Hamadeh has received many awards and honors, but her favorite award has always been bringing joy to a sad heart and providing treatment to a sick person.
If there was a Nobel Prize for humanitarian work, you would have deserved it, but the reward for what you do is reserved with God Almighty.
Leila Al Solh is truly a bouquet of exceptional qualities that make her a beautiful model for all meanings of goodness, giving, enlightenment and leadership. She is a lady who planted giving and harvested in hearts a love that cannot be isolated or replaced.