Souad Hosni never aspired to wealth
At the height of her fame, the late star Souad Hosni, in a press interview with the late editor-in-chief of Al-Mawed magazine, Badih Serbey, told him that she had no inclination towards luxury and therefore did not aspire to wealth.
Twenty years later, he met her in Paris and she was facing health problems that required a lot of expenses. He asked her if she ever felt that she were wrong because she did not aspire to wealth, which might have made things easier for her in these circumstances. She replied that she did not hate luxury, but she was from the middle class, and if she aspired to be from the wealthy class, she might avoid feeling linked to this class. She added: "In general, money does not bring an artist any glory or fame, but rather they are made by talent, effort, and people’s love, and I still believe this, and perhaps this is why I have never cared about money".
This photo was on the cover of issue No. 642 of Al-Mawed, published on December 26, 1974.
By May Serbey Chehab, from the Book "Boulevard of Stars: The Golden Age of Arab Entertainment".